Innovative Ideas.
Thoughtful Design.
Measurable Results.

Online shops that stand out through smart design and targeted scaling. The focus is on user-friendliness and predictable success to take e-commerce platforms to the next level.

Advanced Technologies:
Shopware 6SymfonyTwigVueJsBootstrap
Sample Designs / Ideas - This is what your shop could look like

Concept for Scaling

Through the targeted use of sales-boosting features, user-friendly design, and optimized administration processes, online shops are elevated to the next level.

Your shop works for you, not against you!

With intelligent features and smooth processes, your online shop becomes a reliable partner that supports your sales goals and has your back. This allows you to focus on what really matters:
the success of your business!

Data Evaluation and Analysis
  • Sales analyses and user data evaluations to optimize sales strategies using advanced analysis tools

  • In-depth data analysis identifies hidden opportunities in the market. These insights help implement targeted optimization measures to increase recurring revenue and tap into new customer segments.

Revenue Calculation Example

With a monthly visitor count of and a conversion rate of % and an average cart value of €, the total monthly revenue is:

A higher conversion rate multiplies revenue

Checkout Process

  • Simplified user navigation, especially during checkout, to speed up the completion of the purchase process

  • Integration of targeted upselling strategies during checkout to increase the average cart value

  • Use of urgency and scarcity elements (e.g., time-limited offers) to increase the conversion rate

Integration of payment/shipping providers
  • payment-icon
  • payment-icon
  • payment-icon
  • payment-icon
  • payment-icon
  • payment-icon
Trusted Shops - Zertifikat
Trusted Shops - Icon Trusted Shops Partner
Automated Customer Feedback

Not only does buyer protection increase sales, but so do your customers' reviews. With Trusted Shops, you can automatically collect product reviews, thereby increasing trust in your shop. In a way, your shop scales itself partially on its own.

As a qualified partner of Trusted Shops I offer you seamless integration of the software into your shop at improved conditions.

Trusted Shops - Zertifikat
Optimized for all devices
Available Everywhere.

Fast loading times, low data consumption, and an intuitive design: A mobile-optimized shop is a must, as a large portion of users shop on their phones. Every optimized click counts.

"If you build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful."

- Jeff Bezos, Amazon
This is the Project Workflow

Complex projects require precise structure. By applying best practices from numerous projects, error sources are minimized, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. Of course, you are constantly involved in the process and can provide feedback at any time.

ico-bkg 1
Analyze Current State

Where do you currently stand in your business? Weaknesses, potentials, and needs are identified and elaborated.

ico-bkg 2
Develop Requirements

Specific requirements are defined that cover technical and business goals and guide the development.

ico-bkg 3
Design / UI Conceptualization

A sales-promoting design is developed that perfectly combines brand identity and user experience.

ico-bkg 4
Major Feedback Loop

We discuss the design to ensure that all requirements are met.

ico-bkg 5
Installation / Programming

Based on the concept, the shop is programmed and set up using the latest technologies to ensure it remains updatable.

ico-bkg 6
Shop Launch

The new online shop goes live. Performance is monitored to ensure a smooth start.