Shopware Service Packages

Depending on the requirement, the right package for your Shopware 6 online shop.

Shopware 6 - Icon
Setup Pack
500 / fixed price

Shopware 6 Setup

  • Shopware Installation

  • Technical Setup of the Shop

  • Foundation of the Frontend

  • Maintenance of Legal Texts

Shopware 6 - Icon
Theme Pack - Advanced
Individual Price

+ Theme Setup

  • + Basic Package Included

  • Setup of Theme from the Store

  • Construction of Content Pages

  • Header, Footer + Standards

Shopware 6 - Icon
Theme Pack - Enterprise
Individual Price

+ Customized Theme

  • + Basic Package Included

  • + Advanced Package Included

  • Custom Screen Design

  • Programming of a Theme

Compare Service Packages

Basic Advanced Enterprise
Shopware Installation on the Customer Server
Technical Initial Setup of the Shop
Basic Structure of the Frontend
Maintenance of Legal Foundations
Construction of Content and Category Pages
Header, Footer, Product Layout, Checkout
Setup of a Theme from the Shopware Store
Shopware 6 - Icon Custom Screen Design
Shopware 6 - Icon Programming of a Theme
Support Options After Project Completion
Frequently Asked Questions

Shop Setup with Shopware 6

How do I start a project?

Everything begins with the selection of the appropriate package. If there is no package for you, you can also send an individual inquiry. But please make sure that you describe your concerns as precisely as possible. This is how I can help you best.

What is the project process?

First, it's about defining the requirements as precisely as possible. This way, sources of problems during the project process are almost excluded. Afterwards, you can sit back and wait for interim results.

If I choose a package, is it binding?

No, the choice of the package is merely a non-binding contact. The packages serve on one hand to classify the project scope and on the other hand as a guideline to give the project structure right from the start.

Why does it say 'individual price'?

Certain included services are not standardizable and always depend on the requirements. For example, if you commission additional 10 landing pages in addition to the theme, the effort will be higher than for a customer who only needs the homepage.

What are the customer's tasks in the project?

In effect, we both work out a list of requirements with all the details about the project before the project starts. These requirements are fixed and will not change during the project process. This excludes 'project chaos' and you don't need to worry further.

What happens after the project? Is there support?

Even after the project, we can continue to work together happily. For example, if you need a maintenance package to ensure that your shop is always up to date, we can discuss this.

No package for you? Individual Project Inquiry